Head of Guidance:    Ms. P. Kipfer   519-634-5441  ext. 5525

Guidance Secretary:   Mrs. A. Bourassa   519-634-5441 ext. 5520


Request an Appointment with Your Guidance Counsellor

 Guidance Counsellors are currently working with students to resolve course conflicts.   We are not using our appointment booking system during this time.   If you would like to see your guidance counsellor, please click on the link below and complete the Google Form.  Once course conflicts have been completed, counsellors will begin to work through course change requests.   Please note that course conflicts may not be resolved before the end of the school year.     We will be using this form to prioritize appointments in September.    


Request an Appointment and/or Course Change with your Guidance Counsellor.



Guidance Counsellor Caseloads (by surname)

Mr. Mitani  (A – D)

Ms. Kipfer  (E – K)

Ms. Shipp  (L – R)

Ms. Parker   (S – Z)



Join W-O’s Guidance Google Classroom

Stay up to date on the latest news from W-O’s Guidance Department by joining W-O’s Guidance Google Classroom.    The classroom codes for each grade for the 2023-2024 school year are provided below:


Grade 9: z2kuqog      Grade 10:  dczlcmr             Grade 11:     67i5yhm        Grade 12:    lyimowh