Team players are selected to represent WODSS and are expected to conduct themselves as suitable ambassadors for our school at all times. All students are responsible to the Principal for their conduct at any school event. It is a privilege to be on a WODSS team, not a right.
Players are expected to be conscientious students and good citizens of the school. Schoolwork missed because of athletic activities must be completed to your teachers’ satisfaction. All athletes who are in years 1-4 must take at least 6 courses. After the student has 22 credits, a student must take 4 credits to be eligible.
Good sportsmanship means showing respect in dealing with teammates, coaches, opposition, officials, and spectators. WODSS players will display good sportsmanship at all times.
Strict adherence to the rules while on buses or at other schools is expected. Students must be transported in vehicles arranged by the school unless otherwise approved.
Students must pay a Seasonal Activity Fee specific to each sport. Fees must be paid prior to the first league game. Team uniforms must be returned in good repair and washed. Team uniforms are to be worn for team activities only. If you require help with fees please contact your coach or guidance counselor directly.
Excessive absence from any course could lead to removal from a school team at the discretion of the coach and/or administration. In order to play on a specific game day, players must be in attendance at school and in class, unless the coach or the office has been forewarned of a valid reason. Strict adherence to dismissal times is required to optimize use of class time and related successes.
Players must participate fully in Physical Education classes on game days.
All injuries must be reported to the coach. If warranted, the coach will fill out a Risk Management Form. (Available in the Main Office)
Players are responsible for the safekeeping of their own valuables during practices, games and field trips.
Consumption of drugs or alcohol is forbidden on any school premises, and at any school-sponsored event. Alcohol or drug consumption prior to or at any athletic event will result in suspension from the team for that entire season.
Since smoking is considered a health risk, players are expected to refrain from smoking during the sports season. Smoking at an event or activity is strictly forbidden.
Once the commitment to a school team has been made, a player must follow through with their commitment to the team. It is unfair to teammates, coaches, and the school community to leave a team in mid-season. It is also unfair to other aspiring players who were prevented from earning a place on the team. Therefore, a player who quits a school team during the season will be ineligible to play on a WODSS team for one (1) calendar year, from that date. An exception to this general rule can be made if the coach and the player have reached a mutual agreement that the departure of the player is in the best interest of all concerned. Any absences by an athlete from practices or games must be discussed with the coaches beforehand, or as soon after the absence as possible. Players must abide by decisions made by coaches. Teams with insufficient interest re: attendance at practices, poor effort, attitude, etc. will be subject to cancellation.
NOTE: The Athletes’ Code of Conduct has been constructed to assist players, coaches, and administration in making Waterloo-Oxford’s Athletic Program rewarding for all those involved. The rules contained in this code are not designed to limit participation, but rather to ensure respect and dedication for the Athletic Program and all individuals involved. Coaches may establish additional requirements, which will be provided to athletes at the beginning of the season.