W-O School Dance Contract
School dances are a fun part of student life at W-O. They provide a chance for students to socialize with their friends in an energetic and less structured atmosphere than during the regular school day. We are expecting to have three dances this year, Our OUTDOOR Welcome Back to School Dance in September, Semi-Formal in November Embassy Hall and Spring Dance in May. The following policies are in place for 2023-2024 to ensure W-O dances remain a positive experience for all involved.
- To attend a school dance, Waterloo-Oxford students must buy, in advance, and show at the door, a current Student Activity Card. The Administration reserves the right to refuse admission to any student based on academic or behavioral concerns (ie. suspended students are not eligible to attend dances).
- Students planning on attending school dances must have this form signed by a parent/guardian online indicating that they have read and understood this contract. This form is available on School Day at www.schoolday.com
- Waterloo-Oxford students, with a valid Student Activity Card, may sign in 1 other student from another school. To attend the dance, all sign-ins will be considered bound by this W-O School Dance Contract and present a current Student Card from an area secondary school. Any requests for exception to this policy must be requested in writing and given to the SAC Advisor 2 (two) days prior to the dance. All administrative decisions are final.
- Doors for admission will open at the start of the dance and close 2 hours later. Any student planning to arrive later than 9:00 pm who requires an extension, must apply at the SAC office by 2:00 p.m. the day prior to the dance. Students who leave the building during a dance will not be re-admitted. (One consequence of this is that there is no smoking or vaping anywhere inside or outside the dance venue, whether the dance is held at W-O or off-campus).
- All students will be required to leave their coats in the coat check provided. For dances at W-O there is NO access to the rest of the school and school lockers during a school dance. All areas beyond the cafeteria and foyer are out of bounds.
- School rules and provincial laws regarding tobacco, alcohol and drugs will be strictly enforced. Event security, police officer, and principal/vice-principal will be on-site to enforce these rules. Students consuming alcohol and/or drugs prior to, or at, a school dance will be sent home and further appropriate discipline will follow. Students suspended as a result of not following this rule will be ineligible to attend further school dances for the remainder of the school year. It is our intention to provide a safe environment for students to enjoy themselves without the complications of negative peer pressure and substance abuse.
- Students must be prepared to leave the premises at the conclusion of the dance. Arrangements for transportation home should be clearly established before coming to the dance.
- In response to questions from the community, for your information, the year-end event for grads that may be advertised as “W-O Prom” is a student-run event and is NOT supervised or sanctioned by W-O Administration or Staff.
I have read the above terms of the “W-O School Dance Contract” and agree to its terms and consequences completely:
Student Name: ____________________________________ Homeroom: __________
Student Signature: ________________________________
Parent Signature: __________________________________
** This is just a copy of the Dance contract. Students planning on attending school dances must have this form signed by a parent/guardian online indicating that they have read and understood this contract. This form is available on School Day at www.schoolday.com