On December 1st and 3rd, WODSS is excited to open its doors once again to theatre audiences across Wilmot Township and beyond for its first full-length stage play since the pandemic began. Little Miss Stockholm Syndrome: A Parody of Beauty and the Beast is a fearless comedy that explores what happens when a seemingly inoffensive fairy tale crosses paths with modern sensibilities and realities.

Tickets are $10 each (cash only) and can be purchased on weekdays at lunch beside the cafeteria (for students) or in the Main Office from 9 am to 3 pm (for the general public). Show dates are Dec. 1st @ 7 pm & Dec. 3rd @ 2 pm and 7 pm.

Proceeds from these performances will support Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region. Each performance will include one intermission (pizza/beverages will be sold). Note: Mature content/language may not be suitable for younger children.

Co-playwrights and co-directors Tavia Shonk and Sonia Kagolovskaya (Grade 12 students at WODSS) have taken a whimsical approach to their clever script in order to properly satirize the traditional versions of Beauty and the Beast and its presumed virtues. Little Miss Stockholm Syndrome shows how the sharp and socially conscious minds of the next generation may not have the means to solve the ridiculous systemic problems currently plaguing our society, but they are among the best at recognizing and ridiculing them in an equally absurd approach.

While primarily a Senior Drama Class production, students and staff across the school have gathered and collaborated on this culturally insightful endeavour for the past six months. From set painting and construction to costuming, special effects, and rehearsing, this school community is eager to showcase yet another impressive display of student talent.

Come and enjoy these Beauty and the Beast characters as you never would have imagined them, and laugh at how Little Miss Stockholm Syndrome pokes endless holes at the original tale’s questionable plot and dubious messages.

For further information, please contact: Michael Kolodziej (WODSS Teacher) at michael_kolodziej@wrdsb.ca