Student Self-Screening and Verification Process
Starting the Week of February 8-12

Ministry of Education expectations:

  • Students will perform daily self-screening
  • Secondary schools are to have a process in place to validate the daily self-screening of students

WRDSB ITS staff is developing a portal to collect student verifications, it will be added to school websites. The verification portal will not be ready for a few days. As an interim measure teachers will verify a “Pass” on the Ontario School Screener through morning attendance. Until the portal is operational, classroom attendance will serve as the school record

WODSS Student Screening PROCESS

Beginning Monday, February 8th all students attending in-person at W-O must follow these steps:

Step 1:  Student Action:  Conduct the self screen prior to leaving home.

Step 2:  Student Action:  If they get a green check, proceed to school.   Close chromebook/device leaving the screening tool tab open to show it to their teacher once at school.

Student Action:  If they get a red ‘X’, STAY HOME.  Follow instructions on the Screening website

Step 3:  Student Action:  Entering WODSS the week of February 8-12 students will proceed straight to their classroom and bring up the verification to show their teacher.  

Step 4:  Teacher Action:  Ask each student to show the verification screen.  

Step 5:  Teacher Action:  For each student with a green screen, mark the student present.   If students show up with a red screen will be required to leave the school and will be marked absent.


**Reminder that all Textbooks & Chromebooks can be RETURNED to school – Tables are in the Main Foyer.  As well, for any students who do not have a course this Quadmester – there is a drop box outside the front entrance of the school**