WODSS Student Selected for Model Parliament Program

Waterloo-Oxford is pleased to announce that Maddy Davidson has been selected to participate in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario’s Model Parliament Program taking place from February 24-26, 2016. Maddy, a Grade 10 student at Waterloo-Oxford District Secondary School, will be representing her home riding of Oxford. Students involved the the program choose a political party, chose a party leader, and prepare a Bill for debate in the Chamber.

The Legislative Assembly of Ontario Model Parliament is a new educational program designed for civic-minded high school students in grades 10 to 12, who are interested in current events and provincial issues. This unique educational experience will bring together 107 students, representing each of the province’s ridings, for a three-day Model Parliament Program in Toronto. Maddy will have the opportunity to meet key figures in Ontario’s parliament as well as learn about the history of the provincial legislature and the legislative process through workshops and presentations. Students will also have the opportunity to forge new friendships and meet like-minded students from across Ontario.

Through the Model Parliament Program experience, youth from across Ontario will gain a stronger knowledge of the province’s parliamentary practices and traditions while participating in an authentic experience that will teach them the value and importance of our democratic process. Congratulations Maddy!

Read more about WODSS Student Selected for Model Parliament Program »

Weekly Calendar — Nov. 16 to Nov. 20

The following is a list of field trips and games for the week of Nov. 16 to Nov. 20. Please note the calendar on the website will not be updated until further notice. Updated schedules for Games and Field Trips will be posted weekly on our main page. What’s Happening Nov 16-20

From Vimy to Juno — A Video from our W-O Remembrance Day Assembly

“Lest we Forget”

Waterloo-Oxford observed Remembrance Day with two assemblies in the Cafeteria this morning.  Using stories and slides, staff and students marked the occasion by honouring all those who have been affected.

The following is the video of the Battlefield Tour that Mr. Wong created for the Remembrance Day Assembly this morning.


Read more about From Vimy to Juno — A Video from our W-O Remembrance Day Assembly »

Friday, November 13 is a PA Day

Friday, November 13 is a Professional Activity Day for teachers. There will be no school for students. Elementary The morning of the PA Day, teachers will spend time in a staff meeting, focusing on student achievement and well-being. The afternoon is reserved for parent-teacher interviews. Teachers will be meeting with parents of children for whom […]

Weekly Calendar — Nov. 9 to 13 (Revised)

The following is a list of field trips and games for the week of Nov. 9 to Nov. 13.  This replaces an earlier version that was posted November 5, 2015.

Please note the calendar on the website will not be updated until further notice. Updated schedules for Games and Field Trips will be posted weekly on our main page.

What’s Happening Nov 9-13 v2

Read more about Weekly Calendar — Nov. 9 to 13 (Revised) »

Weekly Calendar — Nov. 9 to 13

The following is a list of field trips and games for the week of Nov. 9 to Nov. 13. Please note the calendar on the website will not be updated until further notice. Updated schedules for Games and Field Trips will be posted weekly on our main page. What’s Happening Nov 9-13

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