Become Familiar with our Severe Weather Procedure

As the cold weather arrives, it’s important for everyone to be familiar with our Severe Weather Conditions procedure. There are some changes to the procedure for the 2015-16 school year: Frigid Temperatures: Schools will NOT automatically be closed when temperatures reach -35C or colder with wind-chill. While buses will not operate, the decision to close schools […]

WRDSB Newcomer Fundraising

Waterloo Region has a strong history in supporting newcomer settlement and has recently been identified as one of six Ontario communities supporting refugee reception. It will receive more than 1,000 government assisted and privately sponsored refugees beginning in December 2015, with the majority of them arriving in January and February of 2016. These newcomers will receive re-settlement assistance within our community.

Newcomer (Refugee) Welcome – Fundraising
People in Waterloo Region are compassionate and caring, and have responded generously to appeals for assistance in times of extraordinary need or disaster at home and around the world. In responding to the emergent re-settlement needs of these newcomers, the Waterloo Region District School Board will be launching the “Newcomer (Refugee) Welcome” board-wide fund-raising initiative.

Parents, students and staff members who wish to donate to the cause may consider donating through the Waterloo Region Education Foundation Inc. (WEFI) at between Tuesday, January 12th and Thursday, March 31, 2016.

The process for making such donations can be located on the attached document or accessed directly on the Board website. Donated funds will be directed by the Waterloo Education Foundation to the Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation, the agency identified by the Refugee Resettlement Steering Committee. The Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation has made a commitment to match all donations up to $200,000. Parent Letter – Newcomer Fundraiser

Read more about WRDSB Newcomer Fundraising »

Changes to Severe Weather Policy affecting Waterloo-Oxford DSS

Please note that Waterloo-Oxford will NOT automatically be closed in the event buses are cancelled. While there may be times when road and weather conditions require the school to be closed, this will no longer automatically occur with the cancellation of our school buses. Please refer to the Board website and listen carefully to local media for the most up-to-date school closure and bus cancellation information. Parents always have the option of keeping their children at home when concerned about weather conditions. If your child is NOT a bus student, please call or email the attendance line to validate their absence on days when buses are cancelled. Parent Letter – Severe Weather

Read more about Changes to Severe Weather Policy affecting Waterloo-Oxford DSS »

Grade 12 Visual Arts Class Exhibit at Homer Watson Art Gallery

Waterloo-Oxford District Secondary School proudly announces our senior Grade 12 Visual Art class exhibit “Openings” at Homer Watson Gallery. The show features a variety of works from senior students in Visual Arts and Graphic Design. Works on display include mixed media assemblage doors, ceramic sculptures, and expressive portraits. Students in the Grade 12 Visual Arts course selected a personal theme around which to base their art. The result is a wide variety of ideas, imagery, moods, and subject matter. We invite you to join our students on their journey of discovery and self-expression. Stop by Homer Watson Gallery and see their work from January 10 – 24, 2016. Art

Read more about Grade 12 Visual Arts Class Exhibit at Homer Watson Art Gallery »

E-Learning Orientation for Semester Two

Any student registered in a second semester E-Learning course, must attend a half day orientation session. The sessions will be Monday, February 8th and Tuesday, February 9th, 2016. Students can sign up for a half day session in the Guidance Office.

Bus Cancellation – January 11

Due to current weather conditions, all school buses, taxis and special education routes in WELLESLEY, WILMOT and WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP are cancelled.

All schools are OPEN and Extended Day child care programs are open. The Education Centre is also open.

Read more about Bus Cancellation – January 11 »

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