Student Activity Cards
A key to providing all that W-O offers in the way of Activities is the Student Activity Card. This card goes on sale during “W-O Buy Week” for $40. This card is your official student photo identification card and doubles as your library card. Along with the purchase of an Activity Card, you have signed student identification allowing you to be eligible for student discounts at other locations that offer them. Revenue from the sale of Student Activity Cards allows W-O to support the arts, athletics, media services, yearbook, tech crew, clubs, many special assemblies and provides junior students with this student planner as well.
A Student Activity Card is required:
• to participate on any club, school team, music group, drama group/production etc.
• for admittance to any school dance or other special evening activity
• to vote in the final round of SAC Co-Pres. Elections (preliminary round is open to all)
• to hold a SAC Leadership position within the school
Student Activity Cards can be purchased online on School Day. Please contact Mrs. Hanson in the main office if you have any questions.