**Exams have been postponed two days because of poor weather conditions on January 28th and 29th – please see the updated schedule below.

Semester Two will start on Wednesday, February 5th, 2025.

Please ensure you read the following for important information regarding the Exam and Final Evaluation days coming up on January 27th – February 3rd, 2025**

Students and caregivers are reminded that thirty per cent (30%) of a student’s grade in every course is based on final evaluations administered at or towards the end of the course. Students will be required to complete these final evaluations, which may include formal examinations, during regular class time or on the four exam and evaluation days as outlined below.

Courses with final evaluations (Gr 11 & 12 only) occurring on January 27th – 30th** have been outlined in the schedule below.

Scheduled Evaluations
End of Semester 1
Monday January 27th – Period A Courses
Time Course Teacher
8:10 – 9:40 CLN4UI-01 Mr. Lebold
8:10 – 9:40 MCF3MI-02 Mr. Kovanchak
8:10 – 9:40 MCR3UI-01 Mrs. Wagler
8:10 – 9:40 MHF4UI-02 Mr. Albrecht
8:10 – 9:40 PSK4UI-02 Mrs. Brenneman
8:10 – 9:40 SCH4UI-03 Ms. Swartz
8:10 – 9:25 SPH4CI-01 Mr. Marlow
Thursday January 30th – Period B Courses
Time Course Teacher
8:10 – 9:40 FSF3UI-01 Mrs. Pozzo
8:10 – 9:40 MAP4CI-03 Mrs. Valenta
8:10 – 9:40 MDM4UI-01 Mr. Thomas
8:10 – 9:40 MHF4UI-03 Mr. Horn
8:10 – 9:25 SBI3CI-01 Mrs. Renkema
8:10 – 9:40 SBI3UI-02 Mrs. Smith
8:10 – 9:25 SCH3UI-04 Ms. Swartz
8:10 – 9:40 SPH4UI-01 Mr. Marlow
Monday,  February 3rd – Period C Courses
Time Course Teacher
8:10 – 9:40 BAF3MI-01 Mrs. Stafford
8:10 – 9:40 CGW4UI-01 Mrs. Henderson
8:10 – 9:40 MCR3UI-06 Mrs. Wagler
8:10 – 9:40 MCT4CI-01 Mrs. Van Lierop
8:10 – 9:40 MHF4UI-01 Mr. Horn
8:10 – 9:40 SBI3UI-01 Mrs. Smith
8:10 – 9:25 SCH3UI-03 Ms. Swartz

*Wednesday January 29th is a designated Religious Accommodation Day. If a student is unable to attend school that day for this reason, the student must inform the teacher prior to the 29th. Alternate arrangements to write the exam will be made.

Friday, January 31st is  PD Day.

Tuesday,  February 4th– Period D Courses
Time Course Teacher
8:10 – 9:40 FSF4UI-01 Mr. Brown
8:10 – 9:40 MCF3MI 03 Mr. Kovanchak
8:10 – 9:40 MCR3UI-02 Mrs. Van Lierop
8:10 – 9:40 SBI4UI-02 Mrs. Brenneman
8:10 – 9:40 SCH4CI-01 Mrs. Tripur
8:10 – 9:25 SPH3UI-03 Mr. Marlow

Final Assessments and Evaluations

  • Students are to be available to attend school on exam and evaluation days to complete any outstanding assessment tasks, as requested by their teacher.
  • Teachers can request/invite a student to attend school during their scheduled class time to complete assessments.
  • Teachers, in collaboration with a student, can make arrangements for a student to attend during any afternoon (12:10-2:20 pm) that is mutually convenient.
  • Students who are requested to come to school may need to come to school by school bus, and they will be here for the entire day. Students should either be with the teacher who requested their attendance, or in a supervised area as indicated below. They are not to be wandering the halls.

Supervised Study Spaces on the Exam and Evaluation Days

Cafeteria (seating) and library will be open and supervised.

ACE Students

ACE students will attend school according to their regular schedule.


School buses will run on their regular schedule during these four days.

School Closure or Bus Cancellation

If an exam and evaluation day is cancelled because of unforeseen circumstances (i.e. inclement weather, school closure), those assessments will be written on the next school day and all other assessments will be pushed back one school day.

The January 31st PD Day will not change if there are weather or school closure disruptions.

For example, an exam scheduled for Monday, January 27th, will occur on Tuesday, January 28th, and all subsequent exams will move forward one day.  Exams on Thursday, January 30th, would happen on Monday, February 3rd. Semester 2 would start on Tuesday, February 4th.

PD Day

  • January 31st, 2025 – students do not attend school.

Semester 1 Final Report Cards

  • Distributed in homeroom classes on February 14th.
  • Students without a Block A homeroom can pick up their report cards from the Main Office.

Semester 2 Timetables

  • Students check the list posted outside the cafeteria on Tuesday February 4th, the sports hall, and the main foyer to locate their homeroom and report to class at 8:10 a.m.
  • Students will receive their hardcopy timetable in their homeroom class.
  • Students that have an Office homeroom will pick up their timetables from the Main Office.