August 24th, 2021
To ensure that all our Grade 9 Students are prepared for learning we are providing an opportunity for Grade 9 Students to pick up their Chromebooks before the first day of school.
Please read the WODSS 2021-22 WRDSB 1_1 Chromebook – Letter & Rules of Use (1) for important and more detailed information.
When can I pick up my Chromebook?
Students are invited to pick up their Chromebooks at the following times:
2021_22 WODSS Chromebook Pickup (Aug30)
Where do I go when I arrive?
Please park in the front lot at W-O.
Parents – please remain in the vehicle to reduce the number of people waiting in line.
Pick Up:
- Please line up outside the front door and adhere to the physical distancing markers.
- A member of our staff will be at the entrance door to distribute the Chromebooks.
- You must complete the WRDSB 1:1 Chromebook Agreement form prior to pick up.
- Students are required to wear a mask.
- Only one person at a time for pick up.
- Class schedules will NOT be available at this time.
Before Coming to the School Site
Before coming to the school it is imperative that the parent/guardian and student complete the Ontario COVID-19 school and child care screening and:
- Be free of COVID-19 symptoms
- Not have been in close contact with any individual diagnosed with COVID-19 or exhibiting potential COVID-19 symptoms
If the self-assessment indicates recommendations for care/isolation, and/or the conditions above are not met, DO NOT come to the school.
What should I bring?
All students need to have a parent or guardian complete a WRDSB 1:1 Chromebook Agreement before receiving their device. Please be prepared to show a printout or digital confirmation that the form has been completed using the response email that will be received upon completion of the survey.
What if I cannot make it on August 30th?
Don’t worry, students who cannot pick up their Chromebook on Monday August 30th have two options:
- Call the school and arrange for a pick up on August 31 or September 1 between 8:30am and 2:30pm
- Receive their device in class on their first day of school