This is the second in a series of answers to frequently asked questions about our move to being a semestered school for September 2017.

  1. How will my Special Education supports work in semester timetable?

The Semester Implementation Team has approved the following Special Education plan as the most effective in a semester timetable. In the points below describing the model, a GLE is a credit bearing course that teaches students various learning strategies and is available for every grade level, and a Resource period is a non-credit bearing course that supports students in their other credit courses.

  • Special Education students will have the option of one GLE courses per grade, up to a maximum of four GLE credits. Instruction will be tailored to their age group and the organization supports needed to be successful in their other courses.
  • Resource periods will also be offered in each semester to support student in their other courses.
  • Special Education students would be offered a GLE course in one semester, and a Resource period in the other semester.
  • Most Special Education students would be offered a GLE course in one semester, to coincide with the courses where they have the greatest need. For example; a GLE course would be placed in the semester they have Math, if the student’s IEP and/or IPRC indicates some processing difficulties and accommodations in Math.
  • If a student with an IEP is in a semester without GLE or Resource course support, they are still entitled to the accommodations on their IEP, and they will have full access to the Special Education supports documented on their IEP. For example, a student may not have a scheduled GLE class and will still come to the resource room to write tests for extra time, scribing, or any other accommodations they require.
  1. Will a semester schedule mean less class time in my courses for next year as compared to this year?

The Ministry of Education requires that instructional minutes in both semesters and a full year school are the same, a minimum of 110 hours of instruction per course, and that there are a minimum of 330 minutes in a school day (from opening to closing bell). Therefore, the total time spent in class is the same in a semester system.

Please visit the website again for another FAQ, or email your specific question to me at or my Vice Principal at

Beth Bodkin
Waterloo-Oxford District Secondary School